Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A few SEO Criteria for choosing a domain name

Contrary to what Shakespeare said, “what’s in a name?”, in SEO community a name, a domain name, matters a lot. Ironically, many people who want their website to be in the front pages of the search engines are unaware of the importance of the domain name of their website. Which is why it is no surprise that SEO experts spend a lot of time convincing their clients why one domain name is better than others.

So why don’t your save yourself some time and find a domain name that is SEO friendly, before consulting an SEO expert? Here are a few tips that can help you in that.

• Age of the domain
If you are familiar with Google’s sandbox that filters every new website from reaching the front pages, you’d know that a new domain name will remain away from the visibility span of visitors at least for some time. This means that if the domain is older you have better chance of being ranked by the search engines.

• Exact keyword name
If your main keyword is “rent conference room”, no other domain name would be better than “rentconferenceroom.com”. If the domain name and your keyword are one and the same there are more chances for your site than a website with the same keyword but different domain name like rent-conference-room.com. And, if you cannot get exact keyword you could at least get a keyword-rich name like the hyphenated one given here. Something is better than nothing, after all.

• Domain names with .com
This is an oft repeated fact. Websites with .com names take a place ahead of the .net or .org or names with country codes. As .com is most popular and trusted by human visitors search engines follow the suit. They too prefer the .com domain names.

• Scope for branding
As Google is said to have updated its algorithm to give weight to brand names, we know that a domain name with a brandable name can take the website to the front. A brandable name would have just one or two words so that customers can remember it, type it easily and recommend it easily to others. This would mean a short name with one possible spelling that visitors can remember and relevant to the topic it deals with.

• Avoid slangs, number substitutions and technical jargons
Slangs are normally limited to a particular locality or place. Moreover, it is not as impressive as a real word. Similarly, replacing words like “for” and “to” with numerals “4” and “2” can be quite confusing and lead the visitors to wrong sites. Also, when you add jargons related to your website topic, though jargon names are easy to get, make sure they are common enough for all visitors to understand and remember.

The Web Clinic is armed with the latest search engine optimisation techniques and skilled, experienced SEO experts in organic search engine optimisation. Your website is safe in our hands, until and after the completion of its journey to the top.

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